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Beginning December 11, 2023, NELA SHRM will process new memberships exclusively through National SHRM.            Click here for additional information on the DMR Program.

Welcome to NELA SHRM!


Shelva Thomas, DrPH(c), M.S. LHRD, DEI, PHS

2023-2025 NELA SHRM President

As President of the Northeast Louisiana Chapter of the Society of Human Resource Management (NELA SHRM), I would like to welcome all new and returning members! 

Since inception, NELA SHRM has served as a resource for local businesses and human resources professionals. Today, we welcome people leaders NELA SHRM promotes fellowship and an understanding of human resource issues while providing a forum to exchange ideas relating to human resources management. NELA SHRM strives to increase effectiveness of both workers and management; and to keep members informed on industry trends.

As the premiere HR organization in the area, NELA SHRM is now a Dual Member Release (DMR) Chapter.  Which means when you join national SHRM, you have the opportunity to make NELA SHRM your local chapter at no additional cost for the next three years! To renew/join, click any of the SHRM + NELA SHRM hyperlinks that will take you to our official landing page. 

Our members benefit from networking with HR professionals and companies. Member benefits also include local professional development opportunities; access to current best practices; opportunities to develop leadership skills; and development of a reputation and credential in the HR field.

In 2024, NELA SHRM is committed to being the professional resource you need, offering monthly lunch meetings at the Lotus Club on the 4th Thursday of each month to meet the needs of our members.

We hope that you will join us as we continue to create “Better Workplaces for a Better World.”


Professional Development
Professional Opportunities
Educational Opportunities
Career Opportunities

Learn more about NELA SHRM Benefits!

Interested in NELA SHRM Sponsorship? Check out our sponsorship levels and see how you can help Elevate HR in Northeast Louisiana. 

NELA SHRM Sponsorship Levels

P.O. Box 4582
Monroe, LA 71211
Email: nelashrmhr@gmail.com

Phone: 318.348.9375 or 318.791.5074