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Why You Stink at Hiring

  • April 30, 2019
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • ULM Student Union Building Ballroom E "The Hanger" 700 University Avenue Monroe, LA 71209
  • 34


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"Why You Stink at Hiring"

Presented by Brad Cousins        

Brad Cousins, Ingage, President & CEO of Brad Cousins & Company

Brad Cousins inspires transformational change!  As an action oriented and internationally experienced transformational executive, Brad demonstrates an impressive record of solving the most complex strategic and organizational problems. Over the last twenty years, Brad has established himself as not only a sound operating practitioner but also a thought leader in strategy and transformation. Brad has been a guest speaker or lecturer in China, Hong Kong, Paris, Brussels, Greece, London and the United States on a variety of topics as well as a consulting team leader for some of the largest consulting firms in the country, fortune 500, global 2000 companies, and private equity venture capital companies. Brad has his PHD in International Business Administration, Masters in Business Administration, and Bachelors in Design. Currently, Brad is a professor of management, transformational change consultant, CEO roundtable chair, and executive coach working with C-level executives to design strategy, inspire transformation, and drive execution by inspiring, engaging, and retaining high performing teams.

Why You Stink At Hiring

Presented by Dr. Brad Cousins

This presentation looks at current hiring practices of skills and resume based hiring decisions, noting research showing skills and resume are poor predictors of success. While professionals typically look at these for the hiring decision, most employees separate from organizations due to fit with culture, people, and management. Despite some talent recruiters being highly successful at evaluating and interviewing candidates for fit, organizations are finding that this is not scalable as organizations grow. Recent innovation in HR technology allows HR professionals to analytically evaluate people relative to key behaviors and learning ability needed for business strategy execution, team fit, and job fit.

By leveraging human capital analytics, machine learning, and SAAS, professionals can quantitatively look at behavioral needs, as well as cognitive learning indicators, to greatly improve the chances of new hire success. Once we understand the individual relative to the job, team, and overall strategy of the company, HR professionals can unleash resources targeted at personal development, management coaching, and promoting general emotional intelligence. By meeting the employees where they are, demonstrating we value them as individuals, organizations are inspiring and engaging workforces to drive execution at the job, team, and strategic level.